Random Musing Travel

Day 1 in Korea

Took a red-eye (overnight) flight from Singapore to Seoul. I arrived intact in Seoul at 7:30am thinking I have sufficient time before my 9am meeting.

Well, not knowing Hotel Lotte-Jamsil is 1hour away by cab, I took the cab and it cost 90,000WON (90USD)! *sigh* [Incidently, when the cab driver tells you “No English”, speaking s.l.o.w.e.r in English does not help]

Anyway, managed to get to the hotel in time, I spend the next few hours hopping between APIA/APRICOT and IPv6 meeting. Have a wonderful lunch with Toru Takahashi (congz to him..two more companies of his going IPO) and back rushing again to the airport with him to catch the 6pm flight to Busan.

Finally reach Marriott Hotel Busan at 9pm which is a beautiful hotel by the beach and have a quiet dinner with Paul Wilson & Toru before knocking out at 11pm…

(Did I mention I have Japanese for both lunch & dinner in KOREA?)

Day 1 in Korea: Hotels 2, Meetings 2, Sightseeing? 0 ^_^

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