Technology Travel

Japan trip

This is why I love coming to Japan :-) This is why I (or anyone) shouldn’t go to Joi Ito‘s lab, ever :-( And before I forgot, this is the latest FOMA P901iTV – watch TV on the phone :-) Beside the little hiccup of calling Martin Varsavsky‘s room only to get his tired and […]

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Random Musing Technology

Wireless for Everyone

On the trip in Cambodia, Boon Leong related to me a story about Michael Yap making a comment to the press along the line “the government should give email to everyone in Singapore”. We were impressed that Minister Dr. Lee actually took time to respond to him (along the line, we don’t need to give […]

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Funny Technology

A matter of national security

I could stop laughing at this: Richard Forno, a principal consultant for KRvW Associates and a former senior security analyst for the House of Representatives, believes that Microsoft is a threat to national security. The White House, Congress, and Department of Defense all run Windows and send and receive e-mail on MS Exchange Server—exploitable Microsoft […]

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