Random Musing

Empires are not build by one man

When we read about successful people, we often read about how capable he is in certain field of specialty. Warren Buffet, the Oracle of Omaha, world’s greatest stock market investor. Bill Gates, Billionaire Computer Genius, world’s richest man. We tend to overemphasis on the man and overlooked the fact that successful men are successful because […]

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Random Musing

Hiring after layoffs

So there was this news that Google is still hiring after layoffs, which I normally won’t consider a “news”. I don’t find it unusual; any company would have fat is some portion but always desperately looking for talents in others, layoff or otherwise. But speaking to one of the staff recently, I just realized how […]

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Rules of Business

I had dinner with Charles Lee* earlier this month when he is in Singapore. I considered Charles a mentor who has given me many valuable career advises, esp. at times when I need it most. Anyway, I have being thinking over something he said over dinner: “世上所有的事都讲情,讲理,讲法。”. Loosely translated “the rules are relationship, logic and […]

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Managing CEOs for Programmers

I really like what Tom Evslin1 said about how to manage different type of CEO. As difficult as it is for a programmer to manage a non-technical CEO (yesterday’s post), managing a CEO who is technical or thinks he or she is technical is much harder.  A CEO who knows programmer-speak can be very difficult […]

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Old customers are blind

Here’s a story from APRICOT: The Hitachi-cable folks who made the wonderful WiFi SIP Phones originally didn’t believe this will work. They have been trying to sell the phones in Japan but their customers wasn’t really interested. “Who wants WiFi only phones?” “my i-mode/FOMA can do more things!” “I still need to install a SIP […]

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Evangelist CEO

One of the important skill CEO must have is the ability to talk. Not just normal talk but one that is passionate, powerful, slick and smooth: whether to motivate your staff, paint your vision to the customer or sell your company to the investors. Put him on the stage and he can just go on […]

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