
The future of cups and pots

“Smart network or dumb network? Whats your view?” I asked Don Tapscott during lunch yesterday. “Everything, both device & network, is getting smarter. Some devices will remain dumb however.” replied Don and immediately, I feel embrassed asking such a silly question. “Isn’t it so obvious!” I told myself. Or is it?

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Cowboys and Dragons, and etc

       Cowboys and Dragons by Charles Lee, Ph.D. Winning Through Intimidation by Robert J. Ringer. I got to know Charles Lee last year and has kept in touch with him. Charles is an extraordinary man, very well connected and very well respected in Asia and US. I have withness his incredible social skill with both […]

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Random Musing

Next Generation

I have a little chat with Steph yesterday in #joiito (and she encouraged me to blog this down). Steph’s has an incredible blog which ranks among the “best of blogs” (together with Boing Boing and Slashdot). She writes like a poet, elaborate and beautiful. If you haven’t read her blog, you have no idea what […]

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Random Musing

Ideas overflow

I had two crazy days meetings with various visionaries and champions. Many of them are in town for the IX2003 organized by SITF. Yesterday, I had lunch with Patrick Gannon, CEO of OASIS. Patrick is in town to kickstart the “Framework for Web Service Implementation TC“, an initiative of my group. His ideas on “Standard […]

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Dyson on the world of blogging

Here is a rant from Esther Dyson, the editor of Release1.0 on Goggle of Blogging, Technorati. Although the premise of the blog world is decentralized, bottom-up, user-centered content, the value of Technorati-like services is in clustering: helping users to find like-minded people, or unlike-minded people with similar interests. (Incidently, a little bird told me in […]

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