I was having a private discussion with Rojisan in #joiito who suggested to extend the mt-bayesian plugin to become an immunity system for the blogsphere when we got sidetracked. One of the reasons we have blog spammers is because they want to get more links to their site and therefore higher Googlerank for their site. […]
Vint Cerf on the Internet
BBC News have an interview with Vint Cerf on his view on the development of Internet. The next decade, he believes, will see the net spread even further and start to become the basic communications infrastructure for almost anything. To begin with, he thinks, the net will stop being a part of the telephone network. […]
2003 Performance
2003 is a pretty good year for me. There was quite a few stocks which is quite badly beaten in the poor market sentiment despite their fundamentals. For example, I picked up Crayfish (email outsourcing company) for 60cent on a dollar just on their cash value alone and made over 100% profit when they annouce […]
What’s next?
Peter Drucker is really an amazing man. I learn new things from his book everytime I read them. Last night, I read this book (for the 5th time), this paragraph got me thinking: The decline of manufacturing as a producer of wealth and jobs changes the world’s economic, social, and political landscape. The economic miracles […]
FCC Chairman on Internet Telephony
Mercury News ran a story on Michael Powell field trip to the Sillicon Valley (via Jeff Pulver). “Now to be a phone company, you don’t have to weave tightly the voice service into the infrastructure. You can ride it on top of the infrastructure. So if you’re a Vonage, you own no infrastructure. You own […]
Picking Management
“People don’t work for their organization. They work for their boss.” I can’t remember where I read about this but it is something that remains true so far I have seen. Don’t get me wrong: I am not saying the junior or middle management is more important then the senior management. Instead, I am suggesting […]
Unison = Peace of Mind
I have a lot of files. I kept all my files since 90s, documents, emails, everything. These files are scattered across different desktops and notebooks as I move them from one to another over the years. It become confusing and difficult to keep track of all my files. So while sorting out my desktops and […]
Christmas spammer
Merry Christmas! I have a lovely present this christmas: A blog spammer. :-) As I have a captcha plugin, the poor guy have been entering comment manually using innocent looking comment (e.g. “Yes, this is a good page”). Unfortunate for him, I trained my blog engine (using mt-bayesian) to identify his spam in the morning […]
Okay, I just realized I can go onto IRC via IPv6 :P *** jseng6 is ~jseng@2001:208:5:1000:220:edff:fe1e:41d1 (James Seng) *** on channels: #joiito *** on irc via server calkins.freenode.net (Milan, IT) The best part is I can still talk to other IRC folks who is still on IPv4. See IPv6 IRC Servers list. I am on […]
My Linksys WRT54G *sob sob*
I just fried my Linksys WRT54G which I bought yesterday *sob sob*! I been looking forward to playing with this baby since I learn it runs Linux with all sort of cool hacks. Imaging, a linux box less then US$100, that has 802.11G and 4 port switch on board.