Susan Crawford and Kevin Werbach has being appointed to lead Obama Team Review of FCC! I know both of them; Kevin is an advocate of all things open (open spectrum, open access, net neutrality) and Susan is an advocate of public space online (privacy, online rights :-) Now, these appointments really mean CHANGE! Wohoo! Congratulations […]
Licensing Technology from A*STAR
When someone ask you how much it cost to license your technology, the last thing you want to say is “depend how much you value our technology”. 1. You don’t know how much your own technology is worth. 2. You going to charge different people different licensing fee. Most important of all, you sound like […]
Go Obama Go!
In Cairo, waking up at 2am to watch the election on CNN and online and watching the votes come in. I hope I am not disappointed as I did in 2004 tho. Go Obama Go! I had enough for the last 8 years! Update: Wohoo!!! I look forward to CHANGE!
Billionaire who wasn’t
Billionaire who wasn’t by Conor O’Clery A book about Chunk Feeney, the co-founder of Duty Free Shopping, ranked 23rd richest man who gave away all his money, mostly anonymously until people discover he don’t even own a house or a car. (Incidentally, I realized I was an indirect benefactor of Chunk after reading his book […]
Updates and P2P in China
I had a crazy month traveling across Shanghai, Hong Kong, New York, Chicago, Seattle, Palo Alto, Los Angeles and finally back in Singapore. It was great trip, mostly business but in between some personal stuff, catching up with ex-boss, old friends and making new ones. A great evening with Marc Canter and his family (love […]
Nokia – The best is yet to be?
On the left is Pindar Wong, one of the pioneer of Internet in Hong Kong in the late 80s. When I first met Pindar in 1992, I was still merely a student whereas Pindar just sold his company, HKNet. Anyway had lunch with him two days ago. I couldn’t believe my eye when he hold […]
Anti-Phishing in Hong Kong
Planning for a short trip to Hong Kong tomorrow reminded me of Jonathan Shea, something I want to blog about but was waiting for the hype around the new generic TLDs to cool down. Jonathan Shea is an old friend who is in-charge of “.hk”. I have the pleasure to catch up with him in […]
For all the geeks out there…
Awesome! via Marc
China Surpasses U.S. in Technological Prowess
China has surpassed the United States in a key measure of high tech competitiveness. The Georgia Institute of Technology’s bi-annual “High-Tech Indicators” finds that China improved its “technological standing” by 9 points over the period of 2005 to 2007, with the United States and Japan suffering declines of 6.8 and 7.1 respectively. In Georgia Tech’s […]
Sailing to Tioman
We set off on 24th early morning. We did our immigration clearance on the west side of Sentosa. We set off immediately to the east. Wind condition was bad so we were on our engine assisted sailing. Along the way, we saw a Malaysia police marine heading towards Pedra Branca, for the first time in […]