ICANN Travel


The highlight of the day should goes to Geoff Hutson’s keynote on Convergence. Geoff as I noted previously has a talent for writing and giving really good speeches. A short summary: 1. Convergence is something the industry has always being doing constantly. 2. Triple Play is game over. Bittorrent has won! 3. What your users […]

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China’s alt. root? Panic over confusion

Last night, after dinner hosted by Mao Wei, I got this email from Dave’s Interesting-People: “China To Launch Alternate Country Code Domains”. It was funny because no one said anything about the BIG news during dinner but nevermind, I could clarify with them in the morning. By morning, this little email turn into small discussion […]

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ICANN Travel


I missed my flight from Singapore to Perth. It was really silly; I was doing my email in the lounge and I forgot the time :( By the time I ran to the gate, they just closed it. *sigh* The next available flight was at 9:30am the next day, so I ended up having to […]

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Stories behind .XXX

I wrote about the Fiasco of .XXX few days ago. A casual observer might conclude the following: 1. ICANN board approved .XXX 2. US government (DoC) halt .XXX delegation 3. GAC stepped in one day after (2) to give US governments it some legimitacy However, there is another different explaination of the realty which is […]

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Competitive Addressing

Since Houlin Zhao (Director of ITU-TSB) proposed the country-based approach towards IPv6 allocation, there have been several forums with debates on the topic. As expected, many of the the “Internet people” rejected the idea outright mostly on prejudge bias. Few are able to put forward very concrete answer to ‘but what’s wrong with the idea […]

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ICANN Random Musing

Two Congratulations

Today, Doug Barton of IANA announced that AfriNIC got their first AS (36864-37887) and IPv4 allocation (41/8). That’s mean they are finally operational. Congratulation! It has been a long journey! I also learnt an old friend Jay Chang was appointed as Deputy CFO of Tom.com (via xinhuanet and also on forbes). Couldn’t get in touch […]

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Next on .ASIA

After releasing .travel and .jobs (hey, steve.jobs up for bidding!), ICANN said they will look at .xxx and .asia next. (via Chiao) VINT CERF: …OF THOSE, WE HAVE HAD FAIRLY EXTENSIVE DISCUSSION ABOUT .ASIA AND .XXX. WE CONTINUE TO EVALUATE THOSE. THE OTHERS WILL BE ATTENDED TO AS WE CAN GET TO THEM. BUT I […]

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ITU on Internet Governance

There is an article on CNet with a misleading title The U.N. thinks about tomorrow’s cyberspace The International Telecommunication Union is one of the most venerable of bureaucracies. Created in 1865 to facilitate telegraph transmissions, its mandate has expanded to include radio and telephone communications. But the ITU enjoys virtually no influence over the Internet. […]

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