Random Musing

Moving on…

I probably should have blog about this earlier but I really have been enjoying the little break. Anyway, I left IDA about two weeks ago.

This shouldnt come as a surprise for many. In fact, some may be wondering why it took so long? Some of you were already awared of my intention to leave IDA months ago.

The decision to leave IDA was a difficult one because I really enjoy my work in IDA. There is no better place for a technologist like me to work in Singapore. Tracking technology trends is a hobby and doing it as a living is even better. Not only that, it gives me opportunities using technology to make a difference to the society (hopefully for the better).

The last three years was a good journey for me. I have done things which I never imagine I would do: Antispam and IP Telephony are among the things I most proud off. Not everything works out of course, like IPv6 and Open Source but ah, that’s life.

Sometimes you are at a crossroad and you have to make a decision to continue doing what you know or to step into the unknown. After doing this work for 2+ years, I find myself getting very comfortable, which is a signal telling me I need to move on to find new challenges. Thus, I told my boss several months ago about my intention to leave and promised I will sticked around until he found a replacement.

So what will I be doing next? Honestly, I don’t know. I have a few pending offers but nothing concrete at this moment. So here I am enjoying my break and spending a bit of time thinking what to do next.

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