
A Better Tomorrow

two-babes.jpgmrbrown has a great summary of the blogger dinner we have last night (waliao! posted at 2:31am. you win!) so go check it out. The two pretty ladies on the right were the two most famous female bloggers in Singapore xiaxue and adri (actually i was sitting between them but you don’t want to spoilt the picture :-)

Anyway, two reasons we got together last night:

1) Singapore bloggers are working to put together an event to talk about blogging! We should have more details on this shortly once we ironed out a few more details.

tomorrow-banner.png2) finalizing and launching, a site by Singapore bloggers for Singapore bloggers. Think of it as Boing Boing for Singapore, linking to the various interesting articles in Singapore blogosphere. To keep it interesting and relevant, we will need you, the bloggers and readers, to recommend articles to us – anything so long it is related to Singapore.

Afterall, Malaysia bloggers have their petalingstreet, Singapore bloggers shall have a better tomorrow (erm…sound a bit corny).

1 more photos available from adri

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