
IGOVAP Online Forum

I am helping Dieter Zinnbauer to distribute this press release from APDIP. I will be helping them to build up resources on theme area on IDN for them. Please sign up if you like to contribute to the Internet Governance discussion.

Priorities in Internet Governance for the Asia-Pacific Region (IGOVAP): An Online Forum

UNDP’s Asia Pacific Development Information Programme (APDIP) is organising an online debate to facilitate discussion about Internet governance issues and the concerns and needs of AP region stakeholders.

Regional perspectives developed in this debate will help target future research efforts and provide input to the World Summit on the Information Society process and the Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) established by the United Nations Secretary General. The debate is an integral part of and sets the stage for APDIP’s Open Regional Dialogue on Internet Governance (ORDIG). Other major activities under ORDIG, which is supported by the International Development Research Centre of Canada and in which the U.N. Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific (UN-ESCAP), the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) and DIPLO Foundation are partners, include a regional multi-stakeholder survey and a community-managed portal on Internet governance priorities for the Asia-Pacific region, as well as research on best practice policies and the development of Internet governance training materials.

APDIP invites all Asia Pacific region stakeholder from government, business and civil society to join the online forum, participate in the conversation and help identify priority concerns and best practices in
Internet governance for the Asia-Pacific region. The forum will be launched on Jan 13 and run for five weeks to Feb 17. An interim rapporteur’s report of the debate will be directly forwarded to the second meeting of the UN Working Group on Internet Governance in Geneva in mid-February. The ideas and resources suggested during the forum will also inform the resource collection for the Internet governance portal that will be developed in parallel to the forum.

To register:

– go to and fill out the online form; or

– send an email to with the word ‘subscribe’ in the subject line and provide the following information in the message body:

First Name:
Organizational affiliation:
Country of residence:
Website URL (optional)

The public archive of the forum is at URL

For more information about the IGOVAP mailing list contact Adam Peake (list moderator), for more information about APDIP and the ORDIG initiative contact Dieter Zinnbauer, Internet Policy Advisor, UNDP-APDIP

For more information about:
DIPLO Foundation

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