Random Musing

Obama Team Review of FCC

Susan Crawford and Kevin Werbach has being appointed to lead Obama Team Review of FCC!

I know both of them; Kevin is an advocate of all things open (open spectrum, open access, net neutrality) and Susan is an advocate of public space online (privacy, online rights :-)

Now, these appointments really mean CHANGE! Wohoo!

Congratulations and I look forward to good things to come :-)


Susan Crawford, a professor at the University of Michigan Law School, and Kevin Werbach, a former FCC staffer, organizer of the annual tech conference Supernova , and a Wharton professor, will lead the Obama-Biden transition team’s review of the FCC. Both are highly-regarded outside-the-Beltway experts in telecom policy, and they’ve both been pretty harsh critics of the Bush administration’s telecom policies in the past year. link »

“I think it’s magical thinking to imagine that we’re somehow doing fine here, and I just want to make sure that we recognize that even the [International Telecommunications Union] says that between 1999 and 2006 we skipped form third to 20th place in penetration,” she noted acidly at the annual Tech Policy Summit , a gathering of top officials in the world of tech policy (of which Wired.com was a participant and sponsor.) link »

– from Net Neutrality Advocates In Charge Of Obama Team Review of FCC | Threat Level from Wired.com via sharedcopy.com

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