Telephony VoIP

Skype insecurity

Okay, let me be join the echo chamber regarding the problem with Skype voicemail. I called a colleague using skype, not knowing he was in another skype session. His Skype Answering Machine picked up and I left a message. First the parties on the call with him heard me. Secondly, I heard them. Both calls […]

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VoIP on Today

Today is a local Singapore newspaper. Several VoIP articles published today on Today created quite abit of storm so much so that i can hear it from the far-away land in Amsterdam. Check it out :-) Is that my PC that’s ringing? by Yew Hock Meng (old friend of mine from LGA). Taking the shackles […]

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VoIP blog

I have the honour to be mentioned by Jeff Pulver as one of the VoIP bloggers. Thanks Jeff. I have great admiration for Jeff: continue to evangelise VoIP after so many years and willingness to put a greater cause (VoIP) before his self-interest. His perseveration afterall these years finally paid off and he is definately […]

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Some news on VoIP

I know I am late…I saw it a couple of days ago but I was too busy to blog it then. Last week, I was thinking how nice would it be to have some sort of interface to Skype so new applications can be developed on a platform with 12M users (I said something similar […]

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