Random Musing

Dean Howard

Jay Leno, in his talk show making fun of Saddam said, “They say he (Saddam) was confused; he was disoriented. It’s the same conditon Al Gore was in before he endorsed Howad Dean.” The last statement really makes my blood boil, so much so that I decided that I will boycott Jay Leno talkshow from […]

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Random Musing

Third Morality

Kevin Marks, a fellow IRCer at #joiito, has a habit of screwing with my brain with his rants on Jane Jacob’s Moral Syndromes, ie, Commerical vs Guardian. Before I have the time to absorb and understand these stuff, he throw a curved ball with Chris Phoneix’s Third Morality. I haven’t digest the article fully yet […]

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Random Musing


Rojisan’s entry on determinism was very interesting and reminded me something about inventors and innovators. Inventors are usually brilliant people but they are also very stubborn. I suppose it is the stubbornness that enables them to perserve on despite any criticisms. Unfortunately, it is also this stubbornness proof to be their greatest pitfalls. When they […]

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