Chinese Technology

Mobile Dating Sim

Looks like Mobile Dating Sim has reached in China (via xinhuanet) 记者日前了解到,曾经在年轻人中风靡一时的饲养电子宠物的游戏如今已有了“升级版”——用手机养“虚拟情人”成了现在最流行的一种玩法。有专家指出,这类游戏的流行不仅会损害女性形象,让人将感情培养功利化,更严重的会影响游戏玩家的身心健康和人格发展。 Mobile Games like 口袋情人 [Pocket Lover] (typical Japanese dating Sim) and SMS Games like 宠物情人 [Pet Lover] is getting popular in China and experts are concern about the social effects of such games on youngsters. These games don’t come cheap either – the […]

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Web musician

While many heard of Maria Schneider who produced the web-only album that won the Grammy, very few people (or at least outside the Chinese community) heard of 杨臣刚 (Yang Chen Gang). Yang Chen Gang produced a web-only Chinese album called 老鼠爱大米1 (click here to listen) which is incredibly popular in China , thanks to 网络DJ […]

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