Taking an overnight flight to Japan for the ACT Seminar and will be there for a week. This is going to be an interesting trip (more about it later)…hope I can get some blogging done :-)
Protest against broadcast flag
I couldn’t believe when I read Cory Doctorow summary of the broadcast flag Broadcast Protection Discussion Group (BPDG) is proposing. Although it have rejected by the US Congress, they are bring this to FCC. The Broadcast Flag is a signal embedded in a digital television signal. If it’s set to “true,” the receiving device is […]
Rojisan’s entry on determinism was very interesting and reminded me something about inventors and innovators. Inventors are usually brilliant people but they are also very stubborn. I suppose it is the stubbornness that enables them to perserve on despite any criticisms. Unfortunately, it is also this stubbornness proof to be their greatest pitfalls. When they […]
On DNS Innovation … (again) …
Keith has responded to my entry again. Like him, I think it would be useful to air our differences in public. Whichever side you on, your own choice :-) “I say that his dns-search piece describes an outcome that is in every way similar to SiteFinder.” Yes. The goal is the same. The approach isn’t. […]
On DNS Innovation … (continue) …
Keith Teare responsed to my last blog entry so let me do a quick one to reply him. (ps: Yes, Keith is also a friend … great guy but we do disagree sometimes. :-) First of all, I like to clarify that I think Site Finder is a service which will benefit many end-users. But […]
On DNS Innovation…
A recap of the events… A few days ago, CNN reported an interview with Stratton Scalvos, CEO of Verisign on their controvesial Site Finder service and the need to allow Verisign to “innovate the DNS infrastructure”. Kevin Werbach, former counsel for FCC, promptly dismissed Stratton and argued that innovation should be done above but not […]
IP convergence eat away at voice services cash cow
Via ITU Newsblog According to the a Yankee Group survey, IP convergence is forcing European telecoms operators to re-evaluate market strategies and move away from their traditional cash cow voice services and circuit-switched networks to packet-based infrastructures. Amongst the 25 incumbent and alternate operators surveyed across 16 European countries, two thirds of operators expect traditional […]
ITU actually got (part of) it!
Today, I catched up with my blogroll (which I lag very behind due to spending all my free time on the bayesian plugin), and was kind of surprise to see this on ITU Newsblog. Public IP telephony would create a wide open door for new competitors to walk in and take away all the value […]
Problem with blacklist
Jay Allen, the author of MT-blacklist, commented in a discussion at Q Daily News: While I will agree that many blacklist implementations and models are flawed, I still haven’t heard an valid criticism specifically of MT-Blacklist’s implementation (other than a couple of bugs which will be ironed out in the next version), but would be […]
Bayesian filter for MT
Update: Michah Valine has taken over the maintenance of MT-Bayesian Update: Please read the problems with MT-Bayesian. Many people have complained about my “Solution for comments spams” is unfriendly to disabled or those who do not have a graphic browser. Hearing your feedbacks, I spent the last 2 days working on a bayesian plugin. To […]