Random Musing Travel

Day 1 in Korea

Took a red-eye (overnight) flight from Singapore to Seoul. I arrived intact in Seoul at 7:30am thinking I have sufficient time before my 9am meeting. Well, not knowing Hotel Lotte-Jamsil is 1hour away by cab, I took the cab and it cost 90,000WON (90USD)! *sigh* [Incidently, when the cab driver tells you “No English”, speaking […]

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Random Musing


Around lunch time, my mailbox started to get filled up with Sobig.F worm from some guy in Australia [] (Macquarie University?). At the rate of 1-2 email per minute, I have receive over 200+ from him alone in the last 2 hrs. If one person can do that much damage, imaging 1/2 a million… I […]

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Random Musing


dunno why…dont feel good today. perhaps too stressed out…i guess thats happens when you have 3 meetings before lunch, skip lunch to have a board conference call, and follow up a storm of emails and papers to follow up until the end of day. I also feel quite bad that I probably wont be able […]

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Random Musing

the future of SME …

During lunch with Alvin (Karloff), we have an interesting discussion about the future of SME in Singapore. From the macroeconomic perspective, one MNC probably creates more jobs and output (GDP) then 100 SMEs. Hence, logically, it makes more sense trying to get MNC to based in Singapore. And by some economists estimate, we probably need […]

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