Random Musing


Rojisan’s entry on determinism was very interesting and reminded me something about inventors and innovators. Inventors are usually brilliant people but they are also very stubborn. I suppose it is the stubbornness that enables them to perserve on despite any criticisms. Unfortunately, it is also this stubbornness proof to be their greatest pitfalls. When they […]

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Futurist Internet

IP convergence eat away at voice services cash cow

Via ITU Newsblog According to the a Yankee Group survey, IP convergence is forcing European telecoms operators to re-evaluate market strategies and move away from their traditional cash cow voice services and circuit-switched networks to packet-based infrastructures. Amongst the 25 incumbent and alternate operators surveyed across 16 European countries, two thirds of operators expect traditional […]

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Woolstar suggested I should put my investment portfolio on Marketocracy. Marketocracy is a virtual mutual fund. Members are given 1,000,000 virtual cash to invest in stock market. If you perform well, they might actually hire you to be a fund manager! Interesting… One problem however, my current portfolio is not compliance with the diversification requirements […]

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