Management Random Musing

Bureaucracy = do nothing

During a golf session with a friend over the weekend, we have a brief but interesting discussion about bureaucracy in the government. Peter Drucker, in his book Managing the Next Society noted that Japanese have encountered 3 economic crisis: 1940s unemployment, 1960 retail inefficiency and 1980s recession. What is interesting is that the government overcome […]

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Leaders & Crisis

In times of great need, outstanding man stood up and take up the challenge. It is during these times that leaders appear among us. It differential those who have courage and those who dont. It differential those who can do from those who can talk. Crisis, in short, is the polish for great leaders.

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Following my posting yesterday about weeding out the bottom, some folks have indicated that this system does not work all the time. Well, the organization renewal process of weeding out the bottom 10% is actually an evolution system. And like all evolution system, the rules you set will determine what kind of organization you have […]

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Vision & Strategy

Any good general knows that a plan for a mission is valid until you meet your first enemy. But this is not to say we don’t do any planning. It is still important to do planning but vision & strategy become critical in an always-changing world. A good vision is one which is clear and […]

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