Managing the Non-profit Organization by Peter F. Drucker
Author: jseng
Around lunch time, my mailbox started to get filled up with Sobig.F worm from some guy in Australia [] (Macquarie University?). At the rate of 1-2 email per minute, I have receive over 200+ from him alone in the last 2 hrs. If one person can do that much damage, imaging 1/2 a million… I […]
how unfair…
One often hears about how unfair that senior management is highly paid compared to the “folks slaving below”. For those who havent accept the reality of life, let me offer this: “If you think good management is expensive, then try bad.” – (I forgot who said this…)
Online games
Following my blogging of “What I learnt from games”, I have been thinking of writing an online game which build on the concept of this. Perhaps it could be something of a management game where you pits your skills against other managers in a ruthless captalisam society. It might be an interesting simulation game. Oh […]
DMCA for Singapore?
If you havent heard of DMCA, you probably should! With the US-SG FTA coming into effect next year, DMCA will come to Singapore. DMCA is one of the harshest copyright legistration. Basically, it outlaws any attempts to break any copyright protection. But it provides exceptions such as “scientific exploration”. Nevertheless, SDMI/RIAA has attempt to use […]
dunno why…dont feel good today. perhaps too stressed out…i guess thats happens when you have 3 meetings before lunch, skip lunch to have a board conference call, and follow up a storm of emails and papers to follow up until the end of day. I also feel quite bad that I probably wont be able […]
blogging with w.blogger
Trying out w.blogger. This blog entry is updated via w.blogger…I wonder if the the autotrack back works…Hmm…
Hacking MT
Just did a quick hack on Movable Type engine so that it will use Trackback mechanism to do publicity instead of XMLRPC-ping.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Singapore! The Today newspaper today (the previous one is with a captial ‘T’) have a number of stories from various journalists who apparently have an overdose of MrBrown’s SNE. Even the Letters from Readers section have 3 letters which sound like written by MrBrown himself.
Following my posting yesterday about weeding out the bottom, some folks have indicated that this system does not work all the time. Well, the organization renewal process of weeding out the bottom 10% is actually an evolution system. And like all evolution system, the rules you set will determine what kind of organization you have […]