
SpamWar: Spammer 2, Anti: 0

I feel very sad today when I read on slashdot that two anti-spammer services are shutting down due to massive distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on their services. and joins Osirusoft in the antispam blacklists’ graveyard…ahem. Strictly speaking, blacklists aren’t useful in stopping spams due to its high false-positive. Blacklists, is at […]

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Open Source

Falling in love with Drupal

I haven’t been blogging for a while…this is because I found a new love…Drupal. Drupal is an open-source platform and content management system for building dynamic web sites offering a broad range of features and services including user administration, publishing workflow, discussion capabilities, news aggregation, metadata functionalities using controlled vocabularies and XML publishing for content […]

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Open Source

Software to Service

Eric S. Raymond, working on his latest book The Art of Unix Programming, wrote: Open source turns software into a service industry. Service-provider firms (think of medical and legal practices) can’t be scaled up by injecting more capital into them; those that try only scale up their fixed costs, overshoot their revenue base, and starve […]

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Futurist Random Musing

Predicting the future: Part 1, Outsourcing

It should not come as a surprise that we are in the juncture between industry revolution and information revolution. But what this really mean? For centuries, production of goods are done by artisan usually aided by immediate family members. Yet, within 50 years of industry revolution, this was replaced by factories with unskilled workers. Factories […]

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Management Random Musing

Bureaucracy = do nothing

During a golf session with a friend over the weekend, we have a brief but interesting discussion about bureaucracy in the government. Peter Drucker, in his book Managing the Next Society noted that Japanese have encountered 3 economic crisis: 1940s unemployment, 1960 retail inefficiency and 1980s recession. What is interesting is that the government overcome […]

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