James’ Affliations​

Professional Experience

2023 – Executive Director, Moksha Foundation
2021 – Partner, King Kong Assets Management Co. Ltd.
2020 – Chief Strategy Officer, Fuxi Institute
2017 – 2019 Partner, ThinkerNet Management (Beijing) Investment. Co. Ltd
2016 – 2021 Partner, Beijing CyberApex Investment Co. Ltd
2014 – 2016 21Vianet Group, Inc, Vice President
2008 – 2013 Zodiac Holdings Limited, Managing Director
2010 – 2013 Video-TX Tech. Co. Ltd, Chairman
2008 – 2009 Shanghai Synacast Media Tech Co. Ltd (PPLIVE/PPTV), VP of Technology
2007 – 2008 Thymos Capital LLP, Partner
2003 – 2006 Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, Assistant Director
1999 – 2002 i-DNS International Inc., Chief Technology Officer
1998 – 1999 BioInformatix Pte. Ltd., Vice President
1997 – 1998 (Continue studies in Australian National University)
1994 – 1996 Internet Research & Development Unit (IRDU), Student Programmer
1993 – 1996 spice.com Pte. Ltd., co-founder
1992 – 1994 Technet, National University of Singapore, Student Consultant

Memberships & Appointments

2018 – Singapore Blockchain Foundation, Director
2016 – 2018 Global Information Infrastructure Commission, Commissioner
2015 – Amare Foundation, Chairman
2013 – 2014 ICANN Strategy Panel on Identifier Technology Innovation
2012 – 2013 ICANN Variant Integration Panel
2009 – 2012 ICANN At-Large Advisory Committee
2007 – 2010 Internet & Media Advisory Committee (INMAC), Media Development Authority of Singapore
2004 – 2006 APEET (Asia Pacific ENUM Engineering Team), founding member, Chairman
2004 – 2008 Asia Pacific IPv6 Task Force, member
2004 – 2004 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22 Linux Rapportuer Group, Head of Delegation
2003 – 2006 Asia Pacific Networking Group (APNG), Steering Committee
2003 – 2006 Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Education Team, member & webmaster
2003 – 2004 ICANN IDN Registry Implementation Committee (IDN-RIC)
2003 – 2006 Singapore Network Information Center, Domain Name System Technical Committee (DNST)
2003 – 2008 Singapore Advance Research and Education Network (SINGAREN), Treasurer
2002 – 2006 Asia Pacific Internet Association, Director
2002 – 2005 ITSC, Unicode Working Group representing Singapore at ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2
2001 – 2003 ITSC, co-chair Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Working Group
2001 – Joint Engineering Team (JET)
2001 – 2008 Information Technology Standard Council (ITSC)
2001 -` The Community of Asia Pacific Internet organizations (AP*)
2001 – 2004 Information Technology Management Association (ITMA)
2000 – 2002 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
2000 – 2006 Unicode Technical Consortium (UTC)
2000 – 2002 Internet Society (ISOC)
2000 – 2001 Multilingual Internet Name Consortium (MINC)
2000 – 2001 Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC)
1999 – 2003 Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), co-chair Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) Working Group
1999 – 2008 Asia Pacific Internet Association (APIA), member
1998 – 2008 Asia Pacific Networking Group (APNG)
1998 – 2000 Asia Pacific Networking Group, chair of iDNS Working Group
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